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Enlightened Business Summit: Tony Schwartz.

By Wendy Woods
In November 5, 2010

Two weeks ago, I took out time to listen to Tony Schwartz, NY Times Bestselling Author; CEO of The Energy Project, on News ways of Working (Quality not quantity). The main idea of his talk was to make peoples live better the by-product of which is better performance. Here are the key things he talked about in his seminar:

He talks how we are influenced by emotions. When expectations from our surrounding begin to exceed our capacity, one of the most common signs is an increase in negative emotions. We resort to negative emotion when we are threatened or stressed making us less reflective and responsive. Tony says in these situations and circumstances you need to know who you are, why you are feeling this way and what you can do to make yourself feel better. This recognition and awareness is the first step to making yourself feel better and working according to your capability.

He also talks about a better way of working. He argues that the job of  the “modern leader is not about generating short-term, apparent productivity gains by using fear and stress as a motivator and then squeezing people to their limits. Rather, it depends on employees understanding that more is not always better, and that rest, renewal, reflection, and a long-term perspective are critical to fuelling value that lasts.

Modern leaders are the ones who engage, prioritize and refuel the energy of their people so they can bring their best selves to work. He or she needs to focus of the value they produce in order to be more productive. Leaders’ high energy, reflected in their optimism, motivates their people to perform their best.

I enjoyed Tony Schwartz talk as it motivated me to re-channel my negative emotions and be more aware of them. However, I would have been more engaged in this talk if there were concrete examples of how to re-channel those negative emotions and concrete examples of leaders doing this.

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