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Enlightened Business Summit: The Marriage of the Sacred and Commerce as the Only Way to Succeed in Business

By Wendy Woods
In November 4, 2010

Last week, I had the opportunity to hear Bettie Spruill, management consultant, entrepreneur, public speaking and transformational technology writer speak about the importance of incorporating the sacred into commence. Here’s some of the key points she expressed during her half-hour seminar:

In Bettie’s view, marrying the sacred with commerce begins with adjusting your line of reasoning. In other words, in business ask not, “what am I getting?” but “who can I serve today?” When we adjust our attitude to reflect the latter, we are making our business mean more and do more, and in turn, be more valuable to others.

More than just good business sense, Bettie explained that it is important to incorporate sacredness into our work because we often bring our work home with us. If you have internal peace in business, you will bring that peace home with you and pass it onto your family, who will in turn pass that peace on in their interactions with others. When you practice sacredness in business, you pass peace forward.

Finally, Bettie explained that sacred commerce allows you to participate in something that will offer you a greater awakening, allow you to find your passion and listen to your highest self. In her view, when you can live in the sacred, all of your needs will be taken care of, and business just works.

While I enjoyed her talk and found her views very uplifting, I would have liked to hear some examples of how businesses are incorporating the sacred into their work. In light of my desire to know more about marrying the sacred and commerce, I’d like your input. Send us your comments and let us know how you bring sacredness into your work.

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