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Techniques for Clearing the Mind

By Wendy Woods
In September 14, 2011

Here are some techniques to clear your mind and calm the mental chatter.

Write to Release. Reverse negative habits and mental patterns that threaten your productivity by engaging in free form writing, at least once a day for 30 days. Grab your pencil and paper and sit in a quiet private area where you won’t be interrupted. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths before you start writing. Don’t plan, reread, edit or correct what you are writing. Once you have completed the exercise discard the paper. Free form writing will help you release any negative thoughts or emotions that are cluttering your mind (Huffington Post, How to Clear Your Mind of Clutter, 2010).

Take a Break. Research, including that conducted by Balci and Aghazadeh (2004), indicates that taking frequent breaks can help you retain information more effectively and maintain your focus for a longer period of time (Balci and Aghazadeh, Louisiana State University 2004). Clear your mind by rewarding yourself with a 5 minute break every time you complete a large or complex task.

Meditate by Focusing on your Breathe. A study led by Katherine MacLean of the University of California shows that meditation can help clear unnecessary thoughts and negativity from your brain (John Cloud, TIME Health, 2010). All you need are three minutes each day to complete a simple breathing meditation. Close your eyes and put your left hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach below your navel. This will help you identify whether you are breathing from your chest or from your stomach. Slowly feel the breath go in and out and your hand on your stomach rise and fall- the hand on your shoulder should remain in the same position. This will help you clear your mind and relieve your stress, allowing you to relax.

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