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Taxes & Death-Certain Stress

By Wendy Woods
In May 6, 2010

In the last few weeks many of us have gone through a stressful time of year; tax season. Nothing is quite like the scramble for documents, the dread of mistakes, and the fear of Revenue Canada. It is fitting that the week following the tax deadline is Mental Health Week.

According to studies done; over half of Canadians experience stress as a daily occurrence, and struggle with the results to their health . Yet many of us don’t actually manage the stress and instead ignore it putting ourselves at risk.
Chronic stress, or prolonged stress, is what causes many of the harmful effects associated with stress, such as; depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, increased use of caffeine, alcohol or illegal drugs, high cholesterol, and deterioration of interpersonal relationships. Many of these impact each other creating even bigger problems. For example, a poor diet and poor sleep habits combined lead to a weaker immune system and illness. In this way, stress can cause a downward spiral of health, one that has been seen to lead to an early death.

Hence during Mental Health Week, we are providing a number of tips and solutions to help you combat stress as well as our Stress Busters e-book, filled with 5 minutes strategies, which is now available with a free hour of one-on-one coaching.
So drink a little less coffee today and spend time with people you care about and start dealing with any stress you might have piled behind the closet door. First, take a minute to watch this video from our friends at the Canadian Mental Health Association, and share it with your friends and family, and together let’s make this mental health week count.


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