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Stress Relief with Wendy Woods…(Sigh)

By Wendy Woods
In February 10, 2011

In 30 minutes you are presenting to the board of directors. As you stand in front of the elevator panting, you recall this morning’s mishaps. You missed the bus because you forgot to print an extra copy of your report, leaving you no other choice but to run the 10 blocks to your office building in the -15 ̊C weather. You bolted through the streets cutting traffic and spilt your double macchiato all over your neatly pressed shirt. Now as you watch the elevator descend you take a moment to catch your breath. (Sigh) “What to do?” You may not realize but by sighing you’re actually relieving your stress. According to Joan Borysenko, sighing relieves tension by relaxing the diaphragm allowing your next breath to come from your abdomen rather than your chest. Why not take a few minutes to sigh with Wendy Woods, Principal of Watershed Training Solutions, as she divulges one of her favourite stress busters-you will be relieved you did.

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