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Public Speaking

By Wendy Woods
In January 19, 2011

Image courtesy of jscreationzs/

People generally get nervous when they are required to speak in public. When their presentation is in front of their boss and his superiors, the level of intensity gets multiplied by about 100. If you get queasy or knots in your stomach with the idea of public speaking, we’ve got you covered. Here are 3 tips that will relieve the tension:

  • Keep their Attention– Start your presentation off with energy – tell a story, share a joke or get your audience involved.  Also avoid the snooze factor in the middle of the presentation by doing something exciting like conducting a role play or showing a funny yet valuable video.
  • Customize it – Build each presentation for your particular audience.  If they are a group of engineers or accountants, make sure to include lots of data and analysis.  If they are in sales and marketing, make it exciting.  Not sure who is in your audience, then make sure you have a bit of everything – data, visuals, stories, and excitement.  Remember it’s not about you but them.
  • Pace – Plan each part of your presentation so you know if you are cutting into other sections when speaking. It’s a good idea to wear a watch or glance over at a clock periodically to ensure you are on track. Always leave extra time for questions or unexpected challenges or delays.

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