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Motivation Creation

By Wendy Woods
In March 2, 2011

Let’s face it, motivation is not always intrinsic. Motivational bumps-in-the-road can strike us at any time and can be caused by a number of factors. Perhaps we’re having trouble staying on task after a long weekend, having a slow work day, or we are so overworked that we’ve hit a wall. Whatever the cause for the motivational slump, there is a way to get out of it: the 50:10 Rule, which reads that for every 50 minutes of work, take a 10 minute break. Though at first glance, the 50:10 rule may not seem like such a novel idea, the real motivational success comes in what you do in that 10 minutes of free time. In his article, How to Stay Motivated at Work, Career Management Trainer, Yun Siang Long suggests a number of quick activities that can offer a motivational boost throughout the day:

Take a Walk and Visit a Colleague

Getting away from your desk for a few minutes is a great way to take your mind off things. For 10 minutes, grab a cup of coffee and head over to see another co-worker for a non-work related chat. There’s no better energizer for taking your mind off a boring proposal than sharing a laugh with some office colleagues.

Look at What You Have Completed

It’s easy to get caught up in all of the things we have to do (think of those never-ending “to-do” lists), but a great way to stay motivated is by acknowledging what we have already accomplished. Perhaps it’s just looking back at the last 50 minutes and recognizing that we did indeed get a lot done because we were focused. It’s like losing weight; the biggest motivator to weight loss is seeing results.

Read Something Interesting

Open up a new window on your browser and check out some interesting articles. You can hit-up a favourite blog, or better still, read some motivating articles (kind of like you’re doing now!). The change of content will give your mind a much needed break and, once your ten minutes are up, you can return to your work, with a new fresh attitude, ready to take on your daily tasks.
Looking for more Tips and Tricks? Try these great books:

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