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Managing stress this holiday season!

By Wendy Woods
In December 1, 2010

Image courtesy of seaskylab/

Build in Down Time.

Holiday time is lots of fun but can get tiring with all the visits and parties.  Make sure you block off time in your calendar to reconnect with your couch and fuzzy slippers.  This will ensure you can keep pace with the demands of the season without burning out or getting sick.

Stick to a budget.

It’s been a couple of tough years economically so everyone understands the need to stick to a budget. Perhaps buy gifts only for the kids or discuss a dollar max. for the adult gifts.  If you have a particularly large family, develop a roster of rotating names for gift giving.


“This sounds like a no-brainer” but when you’re feeling stressed you hold your breath or breathe from the chest, not properly from the abdomen.  Breathing slowly and deeply is one of the quickest ways to get the relaxation response. (Elizabeth Scott,, December 10, 2010)

With a little planning and a few minor changes, this holiday season can bring the love and joy it was meant to bring, leaving you feeling fulfilled than drained.

For additional Stress Busting Ideascheck out our eBook and Free Sample.

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