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Harriet Takes the Wheel: A Fable that goes from Frenzy to Freedom

By Wendy Woods
In February 2, 2011

Feeling frustrated? Running in circles? Need  a break? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the book for you.  Harriet will help you break away from this frenzy to a life of comfort and ease. Author, Cathleen O’Connor, is an inspirational speaker, writer and consultant, and the inspiration for the book stemmed from her own busy life.

O’ Connor was a top executive when she realized that she’d been consumed by her work and wanted to slow down and enjoy life. After leaving she gave birth to the character of Harriet, opened up a holistic wellness centre,  became an ordained metaphysical minister and pursued her dream of entrepreneurship.  Many life lessons came her way and she discovered that the issues she faced in the corporate life were causing her great difficulty as an entrepreneur. Ultimately the business closed down.  During this time she wrote and re-wrote the story of Harriet. Initially it was “Harriet Steps off the Wheel”, then it changed to “Harriet Re-Invents the Wheel” and then finally the story came to be “Harriet Takes the Wheel”.

Harriet’s tale is about taking charge of your life. Harriet is a busy hamster who works for Seeds International runs a household. Lately, Harriet has been feeling unmotivated and lethargic. She meets with the Hamsters Capital Management Group (hamster resources, like human resources) where Percy the hamster resource representative signs her up for a time management seminar. Harriet goes to the seminar and tries to follow the steps the instructor gave her but at the end of the week she realizes that the time she’d allotted for each task had prevented her from doing any work at all. Harriet was unable to finish the work that she’d allotted, because her strategy meetings ran overtime and there were a few problems with her European counterpart Bruno.

Harriet’s effort for work  life balance is achieved through trial and error. She tried making a lists of the things to do based on urgency and importance and  also tried hoga (yoga for hamsters),Though helpful for some hamsters, Harriet felt that they weren’t for her. She later discovers the secret weapon when she meets an interesting hamster who had also been stuck in the corporate cycle. Finally it was the secret weapon that helped Harriet achieve balance and she was all the happier for it.

To know more about the secret weapon, read the book. It is absolutely fascinating and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope you will too.

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