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EQ vs. IQ ?: Is the Smart Quiet Type No Longer the Star Employee?

By Wendy Woods
In July 13, 2010

Emotional intelligence has become an increasingly popular requirement among employers. In the Globe and Mail article, Emotional intelligence trumps technical know-how, the IT service company, Softchoice, boldly stated that a stronger emphasis on emotional intelligence (EQ) is required for today`s workplace.

An emerging trend among companies: hire employees for their attitude and then teach them skills during their careers. They want employees who are flexible, adaptable, and have the ability to inspire their co-workers. This is an enormous asset in the modern multi-generational/cultural workplace. An employee who can spread optimism within a team and empathize with people who may be in a different cohort is immensely valuable. Employee qualifications are changing. The technical knowledge that can be learned is no longer “hot property”. The emotional skills that are able to boost a team`s performance are significantly more valued than the technical skills that can only increase an individual`s performance.

At the same time, companies need to brand themselves as a strong company that can accommodate these emotionally intelligent employees. Great benefits, diverse career opportunities, and much more is needed to draw these individuals to companies.

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