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5 Ways to Create a More Relaxing Environment

By Wendy Woods
In July 4, 2010

When you are relaxed you are more productive, creative and less stressed. Here are 5 simple tips:

  1. Clear the clutter.  Organizing the mess frees you of the mental energy you encounter every time you see it.
  2. Put pictures that elicit feelings of relaxation and serenity (e.g. vacation spots, nature)
  3. Have soothing music playing. Here are some or our favourites: Satori – Music for Yoga and Meditation, Tibetan Chakra Meditation and The Most Relaxing Classical Album in the World … Ever!.
  4. Put a plant in the space. Plants can help purify the air resulting in greater air quality and focus. See which plants are the best air purifiers according to a 1980s NASA study
  5. Put artifacts that represent calm and relaxation for you.  Some examples could be a statue of a Buddha, painting of a lotus flower, or meditation bowls

  1. Clear the clutter.  Organizing the mess frees you of the mental energy you encounter every time you see it.
  2. Put pictures that elicit feelings of relaxation and serenity (e.g. vacation spots, nature)
  3. Have soothing music playing. Here are some or our favourites: Satori – Music for Yoga and Meditation, Tibetan Chakra Meditation and The Most Relaxing Classical Album in the World … Ever!.
  4. Put a plant in the space. Plants can help purify the air resulting in greater air quality and focus. See which plants are the best air purifiers according to a 1980s NASA study
  5. Put artifacts that represent calm and relaxation for you.  Some examples could be a statue of a Buddha, painting of a lotus flower, or meditation bowls.

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